Muséo News – N°12 – February 2020

During the SITEM 2020, we organized a workshop about “Conservation and dynamic lights : contribution of the management of the Bluetooth Network of lights” with the participation of the Museum : Antoine Lecuyer and the artist JEREMI CA
This took place in 3 parts :
- Dynamic lighting in museography : Bluetooth control : Watch the video
- Implementation at the museum Antoine Lecuyer : Watch the video
- Contribution to the quality of light in a work : Watch the video
Carrousel du Louvre – Paris : 28 january – 30 january 2020 – Presentation
Muséo News – N°11 – April 2019

« Knowing the G2L spotlight very well for having handled him on numerous previous exhibitions. It seemed essential to me for this very specific highlight to use them. More particularly still for the “Mirrors” part of the last room of the exhibition.
The lighting tests (snap, RCI, and rendering) with a Q7L projector, as well as the writing of a dynamic scenario carried out in collaboration with the technical support EUROSEP Instruments were conclusive. I checked the concept and acquired the equipment. The flexibility of the programmation of the Q7L from EUROSEP allowed us to fine-tune the settings without difficulty to faithfully reproduce the message desired by the artist. Jean-Baptiste HUYNH looked me in the eye and said to me “Mikaël, that’s exactly what I wanted”. » read the news
Infinis d’Asie . Jean-Baptiste HUYNH . Musée Guimet . Paris : 20 february – 20 may 2019